BX enables farmers to monetise their environmental performance

BX carbon credit projects enable tree fruit, hops and viticulture farms to mosetise their improved environmental practices

Our projects are designed specifically for orchards, vineyard and hop growing systems.

We have a deep understanding of the unique challenges of these farming systems, and have created carbon credit projects which maximise returns for farmers growing these crops.

Our projects support farmers by:

🚜 Not mandating specific practices – only do what works for your farms

🍎 Maximising returns from soils and waste materials

📲 Using digital innovation to minimise additional work

Learn more

Our team can send you more information about our projects.

Hi, I’m Kim, SVP Customer Success at BX. If you’d like to get in touch you can contact me using the details below.

📞 +44 7788 844 960

📧 kimberley.sheffield@bx.tech

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