Carbon Credits

Generate carbon credits by storing carbon within your farming system, and create a new revenue stream

As you farm, you’re storing carbon throughout the ecosystem. BX has developed two types of projects to enable you to generate carbon credits. Farms can participate in either, or both.

Soil Carbon Credits

Implementing agroecological practices on your farm to remove carbon and store this in soils.

Activities including cover cropping, residue management and reduced tillage help sequester carbon in soils that can be turned into credits.

Biochar Creation Credits

Creation of biochar using sustainably sourced woody biomass such as removed trees.

On farms this includes any removed or waste wood created during the growing season or at end of life.

We take this waste and turn it into biochar.

How do BX Carbon Credits work?

The Soil and Biochar projects involve implementing new practices on your farm. You decide what you want to do, and we help you maximise the credits you can create.

Generate carbon credits

BX helps farmers to monetise their environmentals through carbon credits. BX carbon credit projects enable tree fruit, hops and viticulture farms to monetise their improved environmental practices. Our projects are designed specifically for orchards, vineyard and hop growing systems.

We have a deep understanding of the unique challenges of these farming systems, and have created carbon credit projects which maximise returns for farmers growing these crops.

Our projects support farmers by:

🚜 Not mandating specific practices – only do what works for your farms

🍎 Maximising returns from soils and waste materials

📲 Using digital innovation to minimise additional work

Join A Project

Farmers can generate credits through soil carbon sequestration and improved waste management through biochar production.

This gives you two project types to join, maximising credit generation within your farming system. BX develops the projects and provides farms with tools to gather data effortlessly. We then sell the credits and return you a share of the profits.

Practice Flexibility

Our carbon credit projects don’t mandate practices. We want to protect your yields.

When starting a project you are given suggested plans, and agree to what you want to do. 

What makes BX carbon credits so good?

High Quality Credits

BX projects create removal credits. These are the most sought after credits, where carbon is removed from the atmosphere.

Growing Demand

Removal credits are in high demand as buyers look for reliable, verified carbon credits, which you can create.

Verified and Reliable

Farmers soil and biomass is an excellent source of carbon, also boosting biodiversity and soil health.

Book a demo

Learn more about how you can generate carbon credits with BX in our demo. Our team can answer all your questions.

Book a demo

Learn more about how you can generate carbon credits with BX in our demo. Our team can answer all your questions.