Measure your environmental performance

The BX Score is a single measure of the sustainability of a farm. Scored out of 1000, a farm is measured across four key areas – soil health, water, waste & energy, and biodiversity.

Benchmark your farm

The BX Score reflects the sustainability journey of a farm, rewarding farms for engaging in regenerative practices, sharing data, and showing improvement.

You can share your BX Score with your supply chain, and consumers, to tell your environmental story.

Field-level Understanding

The BX Platform is powered by highly-verified data. This granular approach means the platform is your source of truth for environmental data, and can be shared with anyone you need to send data to.

Capture evidence at the field level, allowing for variety analysis and insight.

Compare your farms

The BX Score allows you to compare across farms, crops and varieties. Understand your environmental practices, and performance, like never before.

These tools help you hotspot areas for development where you can reduce inputs, improve soil health and protect yields.

Book a demo

Learn more about how BX can help you on your regenerative journey in our demo. Our team can answer all your questions.

Book a demo

Learn more about how BX can help you on your regenerative journey in our demo. Our team can answer all your questions.